Your Choice Matters
Simply stated, your choice in legal representation matters. First impressions by a Defendant can set a case in an entirely different trajectory. Having a reputation of relentless pursuit for the injured public safety member, by a single attorney throughout the case, Matt understands how a case will likely be immediately judged based on “who” is actually representing the injured member.
Acknowledged through out Southern California for dedication to his clients and uncompromising litigation skill, Matt is no stranger to success for public safety members. Having fought for the rights of public safety members in nearly every Southern California County, Matt has pursued such rights all the way to the California Supreme Court and enjoyed the unique honor of personally arguing before the California Court of Appeals.
Why Choose Us?
Free case evaluations & direct access to an attorney
Reputation of relentless pursuit for the injured public safety member, and is committed to your recovery & settlement
Aggressive Litigant. Matt has pursued such rights all the way to the California Supreme Court.
Matt is no stranger to success for public safety. Having fought for the rights of public safety members in nearly every Southern California County
9151 Atlanta Ave
Huntington Beach, CA 92615